Sunday, November 16, 2014

Latin roots #6

Roots and Derivatives

1.     corp (or) (body)
2.     cred (to believe, to trust)
3.     cur (r), curs, course (to run, to flow)
4.     dic(t) (to speak, to say)

Word List
      1. Benediction- the innovation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness;
At the baptism, the baby was given a benediction.

     2.  Concourse- a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng;
My sister got lost in the concourse of people at the concert.

     3. Concurrent- occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together;
The two teachers decided to have concurrent field trips where both their classes went to see the same play.

      4. Corporal- related to the physical body;
Corporal punishment is against the law as teachers are not allowed to physically hit a student.

      5. Corpulent- very stout; fleshy obese; fat;
Contestants of the Biggest Loser begin as corpulent individuals but eventually become really fit.

      6. Credibility- the quality of being believable or trustworthy;
Because the girl returned my phone I admired her credibility.

      7. Credulity- the (naïve) willingness to believe too easily without proof;
       When the jury found the man guilty with so little evidence, it made you question their credulity.

      8. Cursory- done in a superficial or hasty manner;
Because we were short on time, the poster my group created had several cursory drawings and sloppy hand writing.

      9. Dictum- an authoritative saying or maxim;
A famous American dictum states everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

      10. Incorporate- to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole;
When my grandma makes her famous chocolate chip cookies, she incorporates her secret ingredient into the cookie dough.
      11. Incredulous- not believing, skeptical, or doubting
I gave my parents an incredulous look when they said we were moving.

      12. Indicative- characteristic of or very much like; suggestive;
Constant sneezing is indicative of having allergies.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Greek Drama Questions

1. What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?
A: A goat or a bull was won by dancing choruses of worshippers.

2.How many spectators would gather in the open air theater of Dionysus?
A: Over 14,000 spectators would gather in the open air theater of Dionysus.

3.How does the mask affect the voices of actors?
A: Mask would amplify the actors voices with exaggerated mouthpieces.

4.Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?
A: Due to the fact that the audience knew things that the characters on stage didn't, it would be exhilarating and suspenseful.

5.How is the Shepard to leave the infant on the mountainside?
A:The Shepard had to leave the infant on the mountainside with his knees pinned together.

6.What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?
The riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus was,"What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

7. Who are Oedipus' kids?
A: Oedipus' kids are Ismene, Antigone, Eteocles, and Polyneices.

8. After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
A: Jocastas brother, Creon, takes over Thebes once Oedipus is exiled.

9. What did the family do to the dead body?
A:Creon gave Eteocles a proper burial, but he gave Polyneices no burial since he was a traitor.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Antigone Quick Write

            If I was ever put in the position of Antigone, I would struggle with what to do. I’d be in such a state of panic it’d be hard to function. However, in the end, I would make the right choice.
            I think that if my brother had died with no burial, I would secretly bury him just as Antigone did. Everyone deserves a burial, and if Polyneices died just as Eteocles, then why shouldn’t he be buried? Although King Creon punishment for burring Eteocles was death, it’s more important to bring honor to your family rather than shame. Besides, Eteocles was the one who started the fight, so in any case at all he should be the one to suffer no proper burial rather than Eteocles.
            What I would do is sneak out at night with the quietest footsteps and lightest clothing possible. When I reach Polyneices body, I would then begin to dig and bury him silently. Before burying his body however, I would move it to a different location just to fool guards of where he was actually buried. If I was brought to Creon accused of burying Polyneices, I would deny it and blame it on Ismene because Creon would never expect it. However, while I’m in prison and Ismene is being tried, I would escape with a tool of some sort.
By escaping, I could break Ismene out of prison and runaway to another land like Athens or Troy. In the end we would all win and honor and freedom would be granted to the family.