Thursday, August 28, 2014

Vocabulary #1

  1. act, ag, ig: to do, to move, to drive
  2. ali, alter: another, other
  3. am: at/ to love
  4. anim: life, spirit, soul

1. agenda: a list or plan of things to be done in the future: listed items to be taken up at a   meeting. Mary brought her agenda to the business meeting.

2. agile: quick and easy of movement or thought: resourceful. Sue is very agile in her yoga class.

3. alienate: to make someone unfriendly, withdrawn, or indifferent. Please do not alienate anyone from the club.

4. altercation: a heated or angry argument: a noisy quarrel. They had an altercation after work today.

5. amiable: generally pleasant, friendly, and nice to be around. The positive energy was amiable and refreshing.

6. amorous: suggestive of love, lovemaking, or sexual desire. The newlyweds were very amorous towards each other.

7. animated: filled with life and spirit: active. The comedian was very animated and funny.

8. equanimity: calmness or evenness of mind or spirit; even-temperedness. During times of high stress I try to keep a state of equanimity.

9. inalienable: that which cannot be taken away or transferred to someone else. My social security number is inalienable.

10. inanimate: possessing neither life nor spirit: not alive. During his last days he seemed very inanimate on his hospital bed.

11. magnanimous: showing a kind of nobleness of mind and spirit; high minded: free from pettiness. Knights of medieval times were very magnanimous because they had to maintain their high social rank.

12. reactionary: (a person) characterized by ideas suggesting a desire to move backward, especially in matters related to politics; a, unprogressive. During the civil rights movement many opponents voiced reactionary sentiments towards minorities.  

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