Monday, May 25, 2015

LOTF Chapter 10 questions

1) Ralph feels guilty about the things that he witnessed and expresses his guilt to Piggy: "Don't you understand, Piggy? The things we did-"(157). He is fully aware and accepts responsibility for what happened to Simon last night. However, Piggy believes it was an "accident". "It was an accident", said Piggy suddenly, "that's what it was. An accident". He is aware of what happened but only wants to forget it. On the other hand, Samneric deny the whole accident even happened and want to forget it all. "-we got lost last night" is what they had to say.

2) Two major differences in Jack and Ralph's explanations for Simon's is that Ralph realizes that what happened was horrible and he feels deep remorse for his actions. "Don't you understand Piggy, the things we did-" (157). Jack on the other hand feels no guilt about his actions and actually feels a little proud of himself for slaying the beast. "I expect the beast disguised himself" (160). Jack believes he did the right thing in killing the disguised beast.

3) We can draw the conclusion that Jack is now the unquestioned leader of the boys. He had Wilfred ordered to be beaten for absolutely no reason at all and now abuses his power as a tyrant. "The chief was sitting there, naked to the waist, his face blocked out in white and red. The newly beaten and untied Wilfred was sniffing noisily in the background" (160). The boys also respect and believe that Jack should be leader. "He's a proper chief, isn't he?" Robert nodded. "He's going to take us hunting". We can tell that Jack is chief now because the boys listen to everyone of his commands and the author now refers to him as chief.

3.5) As the day grew older, the island darkened into a hopeless place that plagued the boys into savagery. Suddenly, out of the forest, Jack and Roger came like insane savages bloodthirsty for more flesh. Eric was afraid that he may feel Jack's wrath so he hid under a tree. Sam couldn't find his brother so he hid in the bush. Seeing that he was in the open, Roger attacked Piggy and began kicking him over and over again. Jack fought with Ralph, but he was losing and realizing this, he went to go help Roger and abandoned his fight with Ralph. There was only rage left in Ralph from the night Simon died.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Latin Roots #9

Roots and Derivatives:

1. grad, gress: (to step, to walk)
2. grat, grac: (pleasing, favor)
3. greg: (flock, herd, group)
4. host, hosp(it) (host, guest)

Word List:

1. Aggregation- separate individuals joined in a group, often for a specific purpose; a mass composed of many parts.

Aggregation often occurs in any working companies.

2. Aggressive- tending to be combative or forceful; filled with initiative or bold enterprise.

She was very aggressive to her siblings, as she wanted the last slice of pizza.

3. Degradation- a major reduction in worth, quality, or standing; a deterioration, as of moral character.

An employer can get degradation once their boss catches them stealing.

4. Digress- to wander off the point or topic

There are times that I digress when I am reading a book because sometimes it gets confusing.

5. Egregious- standing out from others, but in a bad way; conspicuously bad; flagrant.

The egregious man turned out to be a criminal.

6. Gracious- characterized by kindness, courtesy, pleasantness, and charm; merciful and compassionate.

Being gracious is in her nature.

7. Gratuity- a gift (generally money) given beyond the usual payment; a tip.

Johnny Rockets forces you to pay gratuity whenever you eat there.

8. Gregarious- literally, living in flocks or herds; fond of being with other people.

Being gregarious is great, especially when you're having fun with the people you are with.

9. Hospice- a place other than a hospital for the terminally ill to reside; a place of shelter for travelers.

The hospice across the street focuses more on the elderly.

10. Hostel- an inexpensive place of lodging, as an inn or regional hotel.

The hostel that we stayed in doesn't have a comfortable bed.

11. Ingratiate- make oneself appear favorable or necessary to another, to bring into the good graces of.

You need to ingratiate yourself when you have a job interview.

12. Inhospitable- not inclined to be kind or friendly; barren and forbidding.

Her neighbor is very inhospitable. He always hide inside his room.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ebola Editorial Questions and Answers

1. What does Betsy McCaughey identify as a problem in her commentary?
McCaughey sates a safer strategy would be to expand capacity at the nations four bio-containment hospitals to help Ebola victims be cured without the staff members catching onto the virus.

2. What solutions does she offer?
A solution she offers is for Ebola patients to be sent to bio-containment centers in Georgia, Maryland, Montana, and Nebraska. She offers this idea because two nurses sent to two of these bio-containment centers have been treated for the virus and have survived.

3. How does infection expert Sean Kaufman view the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients?
He views it as something negative, irresponsible, and dead wrong.

4.  What point did Rep. Michael Burgess make about CDC head Thomas Frieden?
His point was to state how doctors and nurses (from the CDC) should wear a full gear on to cover every possible part of their body while treating an Ebola victim. 

5. a) I do agree with this recommendation because it's better to keep our hospitals sanitized and the people in good health conditions because then what if they get the virus and it acts as a domino effect on the community? 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Article Summary

In the CNN article titled "Boston sets record for snowfall in last month" Ed Payne discusses how Boston has set the record for the most recorded snow in the history of the Untied States. First, Payne explains how it has only been 14 days and there has already been a whopping 70 to 80 inches of snow around the commonwealth. Next, he informs readers how one Boston resident used the hasthag #getmeoutofhere to describe his feelings about this snow. Also, Payne reported how schools were out and if the weather didn't let up, the district would soon run out of school days. In addition, Ed Payne mentions that Boston has already eaten up their snow removal budget of $18 million. Finally, the writer concludes by asking people how they felt about the snow. One citizen said "It's kind of depressing sometimes. I'm tired of it. I usually like snow, but this is just a little much."

Monday, January 26, 2015

1 paragraph about knowledge

     Today during class, we were asked to do a gallery walk. Some things I learned included how we can attain knowledge, how we use it, and how different people think. One of the things I said about attaining knowledge was the simple phrase "Trivia Crack". I also learned how ignorance can be bad because of several reasons. Some people choose to be ignorant because they are childish, can't handle the truth, or are just conceited. The experience I had today was great and I will definitely remember some of the things I learned today.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tablets vs Textbooks

     In many schools today, textbooks are used a lot more than tablets. However, as a new generation is emerging, tablets are becoming much more popular than textbooks. Some schools have started giving out tablets to their students, but others have held on to the textbooks that they have always used. Tablets are extremely more efficient than textbooks and should definitely be used in all schools.
     One thing that you may not know about tablets is how they actually help students performance on standardized tests. Students are more drawn to the idea of learning on technology and find it a lot more enjoyable than working with a textbook. In a study done in California's Riverside Unified School District in 2012, students using a digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook on an Apple iPad scored 20 percent higher than students using print textbooks on standardized tests. This just goes to prove that students learn better digitally than on a textbook.
     Secondly, tablets are much more portable and easier to carry than textbooks are. You can fit all of textbooks for every single one of your classes in a tablet weighing less than 1.5 pounds. Try doing that with your textbooks, and you'd probably be suffering from back pain in a hospital. Literally, you would. During the 2011-12 school year more than 13,700 US children, aged 5 to 18, were treated in hospitals and doctors' offices for backpack-related injuries (5,000 in emergency rooms) such as concussions, sprains, fractures, and strains to the back and shoulders. Do you really want innocent children going to the hospital because of the excruciating back pain they receive form carrying their heavy school books? 
     Finally, some people are completely against tablets in public schools because they are concerned that students would get easily distracted by things like social media and other social apps. Well, this problem can be easily solved. Most school wi-fi networks block social media sites and other inappropriate sites from students. This way, students can focus on their schoolwork and nothing else. 
     Tablets have so many advantages over school textbooks, it's pointless to argue against it. In conclusion, tablets are better than textbooks because they are much more portable and provide a better education to students. Digital education is going to be the new era of education and an age of smarter society that will completely revolutionize the future of humanity.