One thing that you may not know about tablets is how they actually help students performance on standardized tests. Students are more drawn to the idea of learning on technology and find it a lot more enjoyable than working with a textbook. In a study done in California's Riverside Unified School District in 2012, students using a digital version of an Algebra 1 textbook on an Apple iPad scored 20 percent higher than students using print textbooks on standardized tests. This just goes to prove that students learn better digitally than on a textbook.
Secondly, tablets are much more portable and easier to carry than textbooks are. You can fit all of textbooks for every single one of your classes in a tablet weighing less than 1.5 pounds. Try doing that with your textbooks, and you'd probably be suffering from back pain in a hospital. Literally, you would. During the 2011-12 school year more than 13,700 US children, aged 5 to 18, were treated in hospitals and doctors' offices for backpack-related injuries (5,000 in emergency rooms) such as concussions, sprains, fractures, and strains to the back and shoulders. Do you really want innocent children going to the hospital because of the excruciating back pain they receive form carrying their heavy school books?
Finally, some people are completely against tablets in public schools because they are concerned that students would get easily distracted by things like social media and other social apps. Well, this problem can be easily solved. Most school wi-fi networks block social media sites and other inappropriate sites from students. This way, students can focus on their schoolwork and nothing else.
Tablets have so many advantages over school textbooks, it's pointless to argue against it. In conclusion, tablets are better than textbooks because they are much more portable and provide a better education to students. Digital education is going to be the new era of education and an age of smarter society that will completely revolutionize the future of humanity.
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